Episode 39 October 06, 2021 01:30:49
Gates of Trust by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

Oct 06 2021 | 01:30:49


Show Notes

Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode Thirty-Nine ~ ! Chapter One #2: Before we move beyond the Definitions to begin mapping out the process of developing real clear Bitachon in Hashem, Rabbainu Bachaya is compelled to share yet another foundational detail, a Critical Component that ultimately amounts to an intrinsic part of the "Definition." In other words; just possessing a clearly defined meaning of Trust won't suffice for us to begin building our Bitachon. First, we are required to pick up another very important piece of the puzzle! Here we will discover why very essence of Bitachon is the Certainty that the person we choose to Trust will not only honour their commitment, but in fact go beyond the call of duty to do whatever it takes to see that you are looked after. Trust springs directly from this kind of Certainty, and if you aren't sure of that True Trust will be impossible to ever attain. One might still query; did G-d ever make any commitments to us, and even if we believe He did, how can we be sure we are still deserving of His largess? Simply stated, how indeed can we ever be CERTAIN of anything?! This and much more is illuminated with a fascinating tapestry of Midrashic, Medieval, Modern and Post-modern Torah Teachings! This is the 39th episode of the series.

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