Episode 89 April 29, 2022 01:23:07
Gates of Trust by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

Apr 29 2022 | 01:23:07


Show Notes

Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode Eighty-Nine , ~ ! In the previous Episodes we've learnt that giving us wealth is one of G-d's ways of testing our spiritual courage, fortitude, and mettle. Doing the right thing under circumstances of plenitude (rather than poverty) may well be the greatest challenge we face! Rabbeinu Bachaya now addresses the final frontier of the "Test of Wealth" by highlighting a huge attitudal mistake many make -- even when doing the right thing -- which sadly robs them of due merit and causes moral failure. For ultimately, possessing wealth is about the having the Gift to Give -- because being able to provide for others is a great privilege, not a burden! Those blessed with ability to assist others in need must view their affluence as a gift granted by the grace of G-d. From a Torah-true perspective, Hashem provides us the extra Earnings exclusively for that purpose. To think otherwise is to make a huge mistake. An error with grave consequences! Being privy to this information should provide us with clarity and grant us the resolve to not only do the right thing, but also do it in the right way. This is the way can we pass our Test of Faith and radically sublimate the way we live! Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

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