The sixth dimension of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions demonstrates how having Bitachon can be the single most important ingredient empowering us to succeed in our interactions and relationships with others. Entitled "THE LIVES OF OTHERS," the Sixth Episode of the Fifth Chapter illustrates the glaring difference between those possessing a healthy sense of Trust, undergirding their emotional and social wellbeing in contrast with those bereft of it. Here, with incredible clarity, Rabbainu Bachaya illustrates how placing your trust in Hashem allows you to be comfortable in your own enough skin to engage with others in a mutually respectful and friendly fashion. Conversely, people lacking in Bitachon will necessarily live with a profound sense of uneasiness that can easily leads to delusional suspicions, unwarranted toxic jealousies and unhealthy negativity that literally ruins relationships. The sixth segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" has been generously dedicated to honour the memory of Alexandru ben Rephael and Dvora. This unique Episode comprises the 141st consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!
Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode Ninety , ~ ! The author has already framed wealth as a Divinely Designed Test of Faith that many fail,...
Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 121 , - ~ ! Chapter Four, Part Forty-eight features Bitachon Preamble III on what we were told about Heaven...
Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode Seventeen ~ ! In the previous episode, we've already elaborated on the notion that Relying on others for Livelihood may...