Episode 96 July 17, 2022 00:58:50
Gates of Trust by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

Jul 17 2022 | 00:58:50


Show Notes

Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode Ninety-Six , - - ~ ! In previous Episodes we learnt how to effectively cope with the distress and emotional angst of loneliness by virtue of our Bitachon, full Trust in Hashem. In this Episode, Rabbeinu Bachaya continues to address individuals who the sufferer from Loneliness, providing them the comfort of a Faith-based, non-fictious, and authentic attitude to adopt. This can endow the isolated individual a meaningful and true coping strategy! Unlike applying Bitachon in other situations with the certitude that Hashem will provide, here one must learn to change perspective and value the silver linings of living life in seclusion. In essence, when it comes to loneliness, placing Trust in Hashem means accepting one's Fate with Faith; knowing in our heart that our loving Creator knows what's best for us even if we can't easily see it to be so. The result is achieving Bitachon-grade inner Peace despite the pain of isolation. Exploring fascinating and compelling historic precedents, the author directs us to find inspiration from the Lives of Ascetics in Antiquity as well as in Prophetic Personalities and Paradigms. We'll visit a strange the Graveyard Township of a bygone era, whose drab attire, and lack of any Fashion Statement can embody a powerful and important lesson for us today. Their Lifestyle of Separation and Spirit of Celibacy can serve even comfort and uplift Lonely People in our modern era. In learning to adjust our attitude and perspective we are poised to successfully cope with the challenges and even inner pain of isolation and loneliness. This Episode comprises the Twenty-third segment of the Fourth Chapter of "The Gate of Trust," and is the 97th consecutive video of the series. Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

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