Episode 117 July 16, 2023 01:13:11
Gates of Trust by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

Jul 16 2023 | 01:13:11


Show Notes

Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 117 , - ’ ~ ! Continuing to show us how to apply Trust in situations of Mitzvah activities and spiritual matters when others are involved! As we've learnt at length, balancing the spiritual values of Bitachon and Bechira is a tough act that becomes even more difficult when you aren't the only one in the arena. In the immediate previous Episode, we began to delineate when one may rinse their hand of responsibility and instead calmly rely of Hashem. Now we'll qualify; in addition to doing your utmost, it's also important to keep it to yourself. In this new Episode, we build on the already established principals of meaningfully applied Bitachon when engaged in spiritual activities that involve and impact others. Here, Rabbainu Bachaya adds a small but critical ingredient to the secret sauce. Fully understanding the pos and cons of concealing vs revealing our involvement is an important issue to work through if we are to successfully develop our Bitachon. This is the forty-fourth study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Shaar HaBitachon." It comprises the 117th consecutive video about learning how to Build Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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