"Same Difference" is #138 of CONQUERING ANXIETY, Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!

September 23, 2024 01:19:38
"Same Difference" is #138 of CONQUERING ANXIETY, Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
Gates of Trust by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
"Same Difference" is #138 of CONQUERING ANXIETY, Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!

Sep 23 2024 | 01:19:38


Show Notes

As we enter the third dimension of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions, we move to transcend attitudes, feelings, and the nature of our relationship with G-d. Episode Three of the Fifth Chapter, entitled "SAME DIFFERENCE" presents the next big difference between possessing Bitachon or not. For although the course of action may seem identical, a world of difference will ultimately emerge! From here onward, Rabbeinu Bachaya will clearly demonstrate how Trust mindfulness invariably manifests itself into a behavioral path that includes actions engendered as well. Resultantly, an enhanced quality of Life is engendered by the Bitachon one has. This is new dimension is inaugurated with an illustration of the inner transformation of our expectations and perspective of this like vocation, financial pursuit, or efforts to heal. The Trust that nests in our heart and provides us effective mechanisms to employ to achieve those same actions in extremely very disparate fashion. Take three of this seven-headed discovery, moves us onto a fresh range of possibilities to live more calmly and peacefully -- all directly brought about by an awareness of the Torah truth distilled into heartfelt Bitachon in Hashem. This third segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 138th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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