"Paycheck" is Episode #133 of CONQUERING ANXIETY - The Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!

September 19, 2024 01:21:40
"Paycheck" is Episode #133 of CONQUERING ANXIETY - The Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
Gates of Trust by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
"Paycheck" is Episode #133 of CONQUERING ANXIETY - The Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!

Sep 19 2024 | 01:21:40


Show Notes

In our previous Episode we presented clear biblical proof that relying on Hashem regarding Heaven is a necessary component in Faithful Bitachon. Now, in "PAYCHECK: Remember the Future!" we will continue to explore the meaning of Trusting in Heavenly Rewards. Our newfound understanding will enable the application of Bitachon with regard to Mitzvot (G-d's Commandments) and the Rewards (and consequences) for their observance. To best grasp Rabbeinu Bachaya's novel theological philosophy on this unique dimension of Bitachon, we will frame his teachings with copious kindred sources. Here we will discover how Trust in Mitzvah Rewards and Punishments doesn’t mean we think He owes us anything. Rather, it's an appreciation of G-d’s Kindness and Benevolence! With this profound new insight, we continue to learn how Living with Certainty in ‘This World’ is linked to being Certain of The Afterlife in the ‘Next World' as a part of building our Trust in Hashem. This 60th study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" has been sponsored in honour of the Shloshim of Elizabeth bat David. This Episode comprises the 133rd consecutive video on nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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